Ninja 77 Super Lite Tank and the Ninja 68 Super Lite Tank

You would think that making the decision between the Ninja 77 Super Lite Tank and the Ninja 68 Super Lite Tank would be an easy one. You would probably pick the Ninja SL 68 tank. However IMG_5353was that the right choice? The most common tank choice is the 68/4500. It is the right length for proper playing form on the speedball field and it generally gives you plenty of shots per fill for any type of paintball.

But maybe you can get more for your money? Both of these tanks weight less than a normal 68ci tank. The Ninja 77 SL and the Ninja 68 SL have a $5.00  price difference and the Ninja 68 SL weighs just .13 pounds! Your normal 68ci Ninja Tank is 11 inches long. A Ninja 68 Super Lite Tank comes in at 10.5 inches and the Ninja 77 Super Lite Tank is just 11.25 inches. You wouldn’t be able to see much a difference with length. If you are looking for additional shots per fill, your numbers would look something like this. If you are currently getting 1200 on a 68/4500 and go to a 77/4500, you could possibly see a 13% increase, which would mean an additional pod of paint.

If you are looking to get a Ninja 68 Super Lite Tank you might want to look at the Ninja 77 Super Lite Tank.  For just $5.00 more you are able to get more shots with a Ninja 77 Super Lite and not compromise playing ability when it comes to weight, length or bulkiness of a larger tank. This why you are starting to see the 77ci tanks become the new normal for paintball tanks.